
Thursday, December 16, 2010

hair of the dog

this expression actually refers to an old method of treatment for a bite from a rabid dog. it was a popular belief that a few hairs from the dog that bit you applied to the wound would prevent evil consequences. we were obviously right on track with that theory!

today, this expression refers solely to the pounding headache known as a hangover. the cure for a horrible hangover is a glass of the same thing that got you to this lovely place the night before. although it sounds completely un-appealing at first, it almost always works. why, you ask? well, a hangover is thought to be the first sign of alcohol withdrawals. the only way to cure withdrawals is to drink more alcohol. when you're hungover, you have a large amount of ethanol in your system. ethanol is dehydrating and causes fluids in the brain to be less plentiful (you know that brain sloshing feeling?). another contributing factor is the presence of toxic products from the breakdown of ethanol by liver enzymes. sometimes these by-products can be between 10 and 30 more toxic than alcohol itself!

everyone has different ideas as to what the best cure for a hangover is. personally, i think it all comes down to water, vitamin B, water, sleep, and water. hair of the dog might work in the short-term, but adding more alcohol to an already toxic body does not sound like the smartest idea to me.

if you're hungover, make sure to get plenty of rest, drink LOTS of water, and exercise if you feel up to it. i always feel better after sweating a bit of those toxins out.

have a great weekend!

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