
Monday, December 13, 2010

daiya vegan cheese

although there are some things that are just not as good vegan as they are not vegan (like cheeseburgers and chocolate fudge), most things have pretty tasty vegan alternatives. i love vegan ice cream, vegan chocolate, and even vegan meat alternatives like chikin and seitan. one thing that is extremely hard to get right, though, is vegan cheese. i've tried tons of different brands and none of them taste quite right.

daiya, however, is perfect. not only does it have a great cheesy taste, but it melts and stretches just like real cheese does.  some vegan cheeses have a hard time melting and almost seem plasticy when you try to put them on pizza or in quesadillas.  also a plus, daiya is free of any artificial ingredients, hormones, preservatives, or antibiotics.

so next time you're craving a grilled cheese sandwich, try daiya. i think vegans and non-vegans alike will be impressed by its amazing taste and texture!

daiya cheese

1 comment:

  1. We're so glad that you enjoy our products and you are finally able to now enjoy vegan cheese!

    If you are looking for recipe inspiration with Daiya Style Shreds, visit our website for a list of recipes that you can cater to your dietary needs.

    Also check out our facebook page, tons of great ideas from fans!

    Healthy Regards,

    Shnane Liem
    Consumer Relations
    Daiya Foods
